Saturday, April 14, 2007

Not Dead Yet

My thesis is due in 13 days, so no so much with the posting lately. I do have things to show though - a stripey skirt that hasn't been hemmed, and the beginnings of a raglan sweater.

I think this summer I am going to teach myself card weaving and maybe build an inkle loom. I'm subletting a much better sewing machine along with my room for the summer, so I ought to be able to finish up a number of projects as well.

1 comment:

LauraJ said...

Should I send you the card weaving book and some cards? I am never going to love it, although it is an integral part of a mediaeval weavers's toolkit. I like inkle weaving better, but I may have a spare book on that, too. The Spanish Peacock (google him) has a cute tiny inkle loom for $15, which I own but have not warped yet.