Sunday, December 21, 2008

Silly Hat!

Silly Hat!, originally uploaded by alicen.

I made a thoroughly ridiculous hat. Whee!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

O Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree, originally uploaded by alicen.

We (Kathleen and I) got a Christmas tree! My first tree as "grown up". It is tacky as all get out, since we think good taste is too bourgeois or something. The tree is an actual tree made of tree (not plastic), the lights don't match, and it is covered in tinsel because we both had cats growing up and couldn't have tinsel. The ornaments are all either blue glass balls, or plastic dinosaurs from the kids' toy section with ornament hooks twisted around their necks. And there is an inflatable penguin on top.

Tonight I will endeavor to make strings of popcorn and cranberries and some paper chains.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


PC040001, originally uploaded by alicen.

A sketch of the fuzzy gray wizard's robe style sweatshirt I plan to make from polar fleece.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


A while ago (maybe a year? Maybe two?) my brother wanted fingerless gloves. They were great to work on while I was on vacation at my mother's house, but then real life resumed and they were too complex to actually work on while in transit or anything, so they didn't get finished for a long, long time.

Even I think I'm insane for the color work. There wasn't really any pattern except maybe I flipped through Alice Starmore for ideas about patterns at some point. I looked a knitty for ideas about how to divide for fingers, but at this point I basically just wing it anyway. Usually it works out. When you're doing the second one you at least have a template to follow.

And yes, that is a fire flower:

More or less.

Up next: Gloves for my mother, something referred to as a "sorceress dress" from this book which I picked up in New York, and a fuzzy hooded sweatshirt/wizard's robe (or at least the design sketches). Maybe also pictures of the coriolis sock when I stop wanting to strangle Cat Bordhi for her terrible book layout.